Wedding of Form and Content

The very essence of what I understand art, in its positive sense, to be, is a creative process of exposing content and form together. This is art—not merely an expression of content within traditional and accepted forms, rather the creation of new forms which are needed to express content which is new. This, I believe […]

Inviting Inward

A viewer of an art work is lead by the artist’s work, to see what the artist wishes him to see and in the way that he wishes him to see it. I maintain that essentially all artworks are an offering to another to look into the world of the artist, into his inner being. […]

Reaching Out

An artist is often so deeply involved in himself and in bringing forth his expressions for which he has dedicated his entire life and being; such that, as far as the sale of his works goes, this may not occupy his attention almost at all; and if it does, it does namely in the aspect […]

Torah and art, can they coexist?

The question (again): Torah and art, can they coexist? Examination: art, it seems to me, in its best sense is this: the artist is one who stands back; that is, he detaches himself from the flow of life: of the social milieu in which he finds himself. He separates himself in order to observe. He […]

Art is a reflection of the world

It seems to me now that art is a matter of a reflection of the world, as I wrote in another place* (*the matter being that from the difficulty which was with me now for many years: how can art which is a false image, that is, every picture is built upon deception to the […]

Otiot-calim for divine light

Yom Rishon, B’ha’alotcha 5772: (from a letter) I wish to clarify together with you a matter that we briefly spoke about, to see if we both don’t understand the same thing. this mater is one of the central matters of my “artwork” if not the central issue, so I have pondered it deeply and I […]

Non-Representational Art

The matter of pictorialization: as much as one pictorializes; that is, uses drawing or painting to represent something external to the picture; a tree, a house, a person, etc.; no matter how well or with what strategies or means the artist uses, the picture remains a representation of that thing outside of the picture. It […]

Kaballah and Art

With Hashem’s help: 1 The only thing that is important is emes. If emes be the hardest thing to truly find, nevertheless only emes matters, only emes is worth striving for. The kaballah, being the innermost aspect of the Holy Torah, is the most protected part of the Torah, that is; it is not taught […]

Brief charting of avenues in my work

My pictures can be divided into two categories. Representations of statements of our Sages that are more or less well known, and 2) representations of more esoteric statements. And the range between. The inner content of the pictures represents musing upon the subject that is pictured in words, musings that have as their common base—‘Torah […]

בגדי חול של משיח

(זהר תצא ר”פ) והוא מחולל מפשעינו (ישעי’, נ”ג:ה’)—דאיתעבד חֹל בגיניהו. מקודם כתבתי מזוית אחד על ענין זה, שגלוי הצדיקים בכלל והמשיח בפרט תלוי בזכות הדור, שהם מכינים כלים להלביש קדושתם. כאן רצוני לבאר, בס”ד, פן אחרת בענין, שעצם כל דבר שבקדושה מוצא התנגדות גדולה בעולם הזה. לבאר. כי לקדושה להתגלות בעולם הזה, הרי הקליפות רודפות […]