Accessing Human Creative Potential

It seems that many will admit, that in theory, the potential for human creativity is very broad. I say, in theory, because , although it might seem to the multitudes, even, that human creativity is extremely broad; that when they think of this subject, the breadth of human creativity, comes to their mind a multitude […]

Small Thesis on Art History to this Day

One certainly must wonder: one looks at a painting of DeKooning, of Rothko, of Pollack, of Guston. They are all (and Still, Hoffman, Newman,…) obviously struggling deeply with themselves and their world, and laboriously translating their understanding onto the flat canvas, again wrestling tirelessly with the contradiction of image and paint, that is: form (apparent) […]

What is Man? (part 1)

One must consider; What is man? If one considers and reflects upon oneself and all that one does in this life and all that happens with oneself; if one is truthful in his consideration, one will come to understand that in truth, there is no existence at all other than the existence of the Holy […]


It seems to me, in all honesty, that without a doubt, there never was a chidush like this in the world—that I take the most sublime and hidden aspects of the Torah: the Kaballah; and channel through my thought and heart and into my hands and express these Divine constructs in the most simple human expressions […]

The Purpose of Art is to Conceal and Reveal

A true artwork must come to reveal and to conceal, to build and to destroy. It must seek to erase and obliterate conventional or accustomed manners of looking at the world that are in a false way and reveal a more true vision of reality. Every person’s search for truth ends at a certain point. […]

Concerning Acceptance of my Work

I see to write: my artwork is my taking my Torah knowledge (and whatever else I have inside of me) and sketching and refining it in chulin–on a surface, according to the principles of visual organization and expression. That is: to take all my thought and to try to express it in the most simple […]

Safrut and Digital Art

  Yehudis Barmatz: I love the digital work. How does it inform or compare to the safrut? I am interested. Wolk: I am especially pleased that you love my digital work. Although I have had positive response to it, it seems that it is beyond many’s understanding; they don’t quite know how to begin to […]

Happiness in Artistic Creation

  It seems right to say that the essential theme of all my artwork is my happiness with the creative powers given to me by the Creator, blessed is He, and that He merited me to be a Jew, of His beloved nation, and that I should have a portion in His Holy Torah which […]

Mining Inner Resources

I believe that it is very important for an artist to learn to “work from life”; to draw and paint from what he sees in front of him: landscapes, still lifes, portraits. There is no other way to properly learn how to render form and space and to understand color. Yet, one who afterwards decides […]