Representational Art and the Soul

Pictorialzation in art-making: All art-making at it’s outset is ‘abstract’, that is: non-representational. For the beginning is always a point and then a line; and a point and a line have no reference outside of themselves. According to the quality and strength and sensitivity of the imagination of the artist, he almost immediately begins to […]
Piercing cry from the depths of darkness

“Man prepares his heart and Hashem gives him a language to speak in” (see Proverbs 16:1). The shape of one’s life is formed and characterized by the language in which he speaks. One’s speech reveals his thoughts, one’s thoughts are where a person resides, his home, and therefore his speech is a picture of his […]
Images in the subconscious and in the world

If one looks at any abstract pattern, for example a rock or a stone wall or a wall of marble and he lets his gaze settle slowly upon what his eye will find to settle upon; if he has trained his mind to become aware of the pictures that are formed naturally and continually […]