Representational Art and the Soul
Pictorialzation in art-making: All art-making at it’s outset is ‘abstract’, that is: non-representational. For the beginning is always a point and then a line; and a point and a line have no reference outside of themselves. According to the quality and strength and sensitivity of the imagination of the artist, he almost immediately begins to […]
Piercing cry from the depths of darkness
“Man prepares his heart and Hashem gives him a language to speak in” (see Proverbs 16:1). The shape of one’s life is formed and characterized by the language in which he speaks. One’s speech reveals his thoughts, one’s thoughts are where a person resides, his home, and therefore his speech is a picture of his […]
The artist who desires only the freedom of his soul
It could be that the decision to be an artist; that is, a true artist,one who is not interested in monetary gain or honor or anything at all except to express whatever it is that art can express, possibly this is actually in consort with the spirit of Torah. For an artist that chooses to […]
Is it possible to consider the making of art a proper Jewish pastime?
Art-making, in it’s most positive light, seems to derive from an inner compulsion to picture, to bring into focus, and to establish in the world, that which is searched out by the mind and heart to know; to reveal what was previously unrevealed, to give form to that which was previously not seen; to bring […]
Flowing River the Source of Wisdom
If we don’t realize we must consider deeply until we understand that our entire well-being is dependent upon our connection to the true tzadikim. Our connection to the tzaddik is dependent on our connection to Hashem and our connection to Hashem is dependent on our connection to the Tzaddik. For the tzaddik directs, guides, leads […]
Inviting Inward
A viewer of an art work is lead by the artist’s work, to see what the artist wishes him to see and in the way that he wishes him to see it. I maintain that essentially all artworks are an offering to another to look into the world of the artist, into his inner being. […]
Brief charting of avenues in my work
My pictures can be divided into two categories. Representations of statements of our Sages that are more or less well known, and 2) representations of more esoteric statements. And the range between. The inner content of the pictures represents musing upon the subject that is pictured in words, musings that have as their common base—‘Torah […]
בגדי חול של משיח
(זהר תצא ר”פ) והוא מחולל מפשעינו (ישעי’, נ”ג:ה’)—דאיתעבד חֹל בגיניהו. מקודם כתבתי מזוית אחד על ענין זה, שגלוי הצדיקים בכלל והמשיח בפרט תלוי בזכות הדור, שהם מכינים כלים להלביש קדושתם. כאן רצוני לבאר, בס”ד, פן אחרת בענין, שעצם כל דבר שבקדושה מוצא התנגדות גדולה בעולם הזה. לבאר. כי לקדושה להתגלות בעולם הזה, הרי הקליפות רודפות […]
Everyone Is an Artist.
Everyone is an artist. All that one does, says and thinks are all precisely etched on great canvases in Heaven. As it says in the Mishnah: Rebbe said:… Know what is above you, an eye that sees , and an ear that hears, and all your deeds are written in a book. (Avos 2:1) It […]
Images in the subconscious and in the world
If one looks at any abstract pattern, for example a rock or a stone wall or a wall of marble and he lets his gaze settle slowly upon what his eye will find to settle upon; if he has trained his mind to become aware of the pictures that are formed naturally and continually […]